Sugar is everywhere. And I mean everywhere. It’s infused in about everything we eat, regardless of whether it’s a “healthy” item or not. While your body can process some natural sugars and can actually put them to good use to feed your muscles, we don’t need it in it’s refined from. Having a complex carb or something like a banana after our workouts can do great things to repair and build our muscles, but grabbing a sugary energy drink or candy bar is not the way to go.
Natural sugar comes in the forms of things like complex carbs, whole fruit, honey, Stevia etc. These can be beneficial to us in small portions. It’s when we get into the refined sugars like candy, many sports drinks, soda, etc. These are what can have devastating results on not just your lean muscle gains, but on your overall health. Getting lean muscle mass is great, but I truly believe that it’s just as important to be healthy on the inside as the outside.
Too much sugar can cause a whole myriad of health problems including diabetes and others. But it’s not just that. Everything we put in our bodies is either used by our body to function properly, or has no purpose throws our body off. Sugar is an empty calorie that does nothing for us. When we consume it our bodies can’t handle the typical large doses we consume in every day products and it is stored as fat, this doesn’t get us any closer to our goal of lean muscle mass.
Remember, food is our body’s fuel, we’ve got to put high quality food in for us to get good results out.