Typically when you think of healthy you think of fruit juice right? A healthy breakfast of eggs, whole wheat toast and an ice cold orange juice to go along side. But fruit juice needs to be added to our do not drink list.
Here’s the breakdown. Apple juice contains more grams of sugar per ounce than soda. Yes you read that right. When we consume large amount of sugar also known as fructose, it’s digested and sent to the liver which has to process. When we consume a large quantity at once (like a soda or full glass of juice) it sends the liver into a panic because it can’t process it all, so what does it do with what it can’t process? You guessed it, turns it into fat. Not to mention all the other health problems that come with an excess of sugar.
So then fruit must be bad too right? Not so fast. Here is the major difference. First off the amount of sugar in fruit is much less than in a glass of juice. Second fruit is loaded with fiber attached to those grams of sugar which allows our body to process and digest it in a much slower way eliminating the need for our liver to go into over-drive. This week’s podcast talks about this a little bit more.
You get the benefits not only of the fiber but of all the vitamin richness that comes with fruit without the negative consequences of juice. Adults and kids should steer away from fruit juice, and if you are after lean muscle mass, definitely add the juice aisle as one to skip at the grocery store.