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The Only 3 Supplements You Need

“berry smoothie” by rawpixel on Unsplash

If you’ve ever taken a walk into a health food store, or supplement store it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are a million and one choices and options for protein, and everything else imaginable. Catchy labels like “lose belly fat” or “lift like a beast” are everywhere. Is it all just a lot of hype? Are those supplements really doing anything other than taking money out of your wallet?

Well there are a lot of good supplements and a lot of bad supplements out there (not surprising right?). So which ones should you focus on?

For starters you need protein. I talk in my free course about how you need protein from both food and supplements. If you are lifting your body needs the extra protein to rebuild your muscles, otherwise after a workout if they are depleted they will literally take the amino acids they need from your existing muscles (counter-productive to building more). Stick with protein powders that don’t contain a long ingredient list or have extra fillers in there.

The second supplement that should be on your radar is Creatine. Creatine is something our body naturally produces. It gives our cells energy. So when we take extra Creatine our cells have more energy to expend when we lift in the gym, thus causing us to exert ourselves more, tear our muscles more, and ultimately build more muscle. There are two types of Creatine: Monohydrate, and HCL. Stick to HCL. The monohydrate version causes your cells to retain water which will give you a bloated look and feel (not what you want). Take this about 30 minutes before your workout, I suggest taking it with your pre-workout (bonus supplement that you should be taking).

The last supplement I recommend is fish oil capsules. This helps with lubricating the joints which get a lot of tension on them in the gym, helps keep you lose and lubricated. We are talking about supplements more in this week’s podcast episode. Check it out here.


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© 2022 by Bryan Parady.  Bones to Bulk

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All programs and information are owned by Bones to Bulk.  The information provided on this website and in all the courses is not guaranteed to provide specific results.  Bones to Bulk and any members of are not liable for injury.  Any workout plan should not be started unless prior approval has been received from a licensed physician

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