So there’s that one muscle group you want to be larger but you are just not seeing the result that you are looking for. I’ve been there. Before I dive into what you can do to solve this dilemma, let me briefly describe what the compound effect is. It’s when you spend a small amount of time on something every day and over the course of months or years, drastic results happen. It’s the fact that you are doing something however small over a long period of time.
So what does this have to do with targeting muscles? Everything! If you are working out regularly and you can’t get that one muscle group to grow more it’s time to take it one step further.
The first step is pick two intense workouts that target the muscle you want to focus on. It could be an exercise you know, or even better find a new one online. Don’t pick your favorite ones or the ones that are easy, instead pick the ones that you hate because they hurt.
Then at the end of every workout perform three sets with each of the two exercise you picked. Regardless of what muscle group you are working out. Do these every single day at the end of your workout.
Over time, just these two extra exercises that you are pushing yourself to do when you are already tired will have amazing results. Don’t expect to have results over night or even in a month. Remember this is the compound effect. Little changes with huge impact over the long haul.