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Should You Workout When You're Sick?

Photo by Arthur Edelman on Unsplash

So you’re in a good routine with your workouts and then that dreadful sickness creeps in. You hope that it’s just a scratch in your throat, but soon you feel bad, your temp goes up and you are crushed that the great habits you had been working on are now drifting out the window as your body gets used to being sick. But is that how it has to be?

Should you workout when you are sick? First off if you are blazing a fever, you are very contagious so don’t go contaminating the gym. But with that being said, you probably should still workout.

You know your body better than anyone, what it can handle, and what is typically too far for you. While I do recommend resting a day or two when you are sick, don’t wait any longer. Often by the end of two days, any fever we’ve had is gone, and sure we probably are not 100% back to normal yet, but you are well enough to at least get in a partial workout.

I mentioned in this week’s podcast how you may not be able to go as hard in the gym if you aren’t completely better, and that’s okay, you still should get in there and do some things. Because staying out of the gym for more than couple days is going to hurt your habits. And habits which I talk all the time about in my videos are crucial to your success.

I’ve seen it before. Someone gets sick and then they quit lifting for over a week, by the time they are all better, the body is lazy and doesn’t want to do anything and they fall off the cart and go back to square one.

So while you need a day or two to rest and get rid of the fever, don’t delay any longer.

Make sure you stay hydrated with tons of water, but don’t be afraid of lifting (go easy and maybe lighter) after a couple days.


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© 2022 by Bryan Parady.  Bones to Bulk

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All programs and information are owned by Bones to Bulk.  The information provided on this website and in all the courses is not guaranteed to provide specific results.  Bones to Bulk and any members of are not liable for injury.  Any workout plan should not be started unless prior approval has been received from a licensed physician

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