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Keys to Winning Outside the Gym

Photo by juan pablo rodriguez on Unsplash

We know the importance of the gym, but have you ever asked what you need to be doing outside the gym to get to your fitness goals?

There are some musts when it comes to staying on track throughout the week, because let’s face it some days getting to the gym is one of the easier aspects of staying on track. And while home workouts can be beneficial outside the gym like the ones in our free program, it also takes knowing how to handle food.

The real challenges can come in the form of the donuts in the break room, your kids’ Halloween stash, or your favorite pizza delivery service on speed dial.

Because while workouts are important, food is something we have to face almost 24/7. This is something we talk about it this week’s podcast.

1. The first key to resisting eating something you know is going to screw up your routine, is know it’s coming. You know there’s going to be junk in the break room, so make sure you are packing your snacks and lunch bag, and if possible just avoid the break room.

2. Prep your meals, cooking and preparing meals ahead of time can keep you from picking up junk food on those days when you get home late.

3. Stay hydrated. Drinking water throughout the day not only is super beneficial for your body, but can curb cravings and make you feel more full, making it easier to resist those candy bowls set out everywhere.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be hard, it just takes some planning and knowing what you are going to run into ahead of time.


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© 2022 by Bryan Parady.  Bones to Bulk

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All programs and information are owned by Bones to Bulk.  The information provided on this website and in all the courses is not guaranteed to provide specific results.  Bones to Bulk and any members of are not liable for injury.  Any workout plan should not be started unless prior approval has been received from a licensed physician

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