Changing the way we eat and think about how we eat is hard. We grow up and develop habits, we get accustomed to certain foods, we get used to eating particular things and then before we know it, we are set in our ways and don’t want to change what we eat right? So how do we start that whole process.
Focus on one thing a week. Each week pick something unhealthy to get out of your life and replace it with something healthy. For instance, let’s say in week one you decide to give up soda. Replace it with water, and drink lots of it.
Then when week two rolls around, choose one more thing, maybe fast food. So in just two weeks the amount of unhealthy food you have eliminated is setting you on a much healthier path that will keep you going. Keep doing this, and in the span of a few months you will have made huge strides to get past your unhealthy habits.