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Coffee Stranger Things, Coffee, and Workouts

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

It’s the number one thing I hear from people I train, or from those looking to train and gain muscle, “I just don’t have time”. What’s interesting is that these same people manage to fit in binging there favorite shows late at night, getting some video game time in, or grabbing coffee with friends. I’m not saying any of those things are wrong to do, after all, my wife and I spent several very late night binging Stranger Things last year. But it should never take priority over your health and fitness.

In truth yes getting to the gym takes time. It takes work, and sometimes that is downright inconvenient. But not having energy, strength, and motivation is not a good alternative.

So how do you find time? You don’t. Wait what? That’s right, you don’t. You make time. We talk about this more in this week’s podcast episode.

Trying to squeeze time in will lead to failure because if you don’t make time for it, you won’t go. You have to be intentional. You may have to get up an hour earlier and hit the gym on your way to work, or stay up an hour later and work out before bed. Or skip watching your show that you always tune into.

While it may seem hard, and in truth yes some days it is, but the return on your investment is so worth it.


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