So if you want to build muscle you have to eat protein right? But why? Why are people who lift obsessed with downing globs of protein powder? Well, while we may not need as much as we think, there is a reason behind getting a good amount.
If our body has an excess of protein it goes into an anabolic state, which means our body can build muscle. If we get too little protein then the muscles start breaking down as our body will take the protein from our muscles for other important body functions. In my nutrition guide I point out a lot of the essential sources of protein.
It’s recommended to eat between 1 and 1 1/2 grams per pound of body weight for protein. But while this is recommended there’s still a lot of confusion about exactly how much protein our bodies can digest and actually put to use at once.
In addition to making sure get the right amount, you want to make sure you have a steady intake of it throughout the day. So make sure you are getting a good chunk of protein at each meal, as well as in your snacks.
You also want to make sure you are having some after your workouts, as this is a time your muscles will really be needing those amino acids to help repair themselves and ultimately grow. To learn more check out this week’s podcast.